I will send you a Victory in your Christian walk booklet...

Give me 7 days and you will walk in V.I.C.T.O.R.Y !! 
DAY 1- V is for Victor, NOT Victim
DAY 2 - I is for Intelligence, NOT Ignorance
DAY 3 - C is for Courage, NOT Cowardice
DAY 4 - T is for Triumph (Trials won’t last always)
DAY 5 - O is for Obedience (The Key to Blessings)
DAY 6- R is for is for Refuge, Not Retreat (A place to regroup)
DAY 7- Y is for is for Yield (Allow Christ to fight for you)

Victory in the Struggle/Victory in the Christian Walk is a simple 7 day devotional (one letter per day) that takes the word VICTORY and breaks each letter into a practical applicable daily devotion.

I hope this devotional will be inspirational each day and every day. Be a Victor..

Single PDF file

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